Friday, September 9, 2011

Return with INSANITY!

Long time no write! It's been a pretty busy summer, but a good one. With so much going on and trips to UT I have NOT exercised like I should. I have the body to prove it too. It makes me so frustrated that I let myself go like that. BLAH!

But deciding I needed to turn a new leaf and get back on the band wagon, I went with Insanity. I did P90X and really like it. I feel like I started to get the results I wanted. I didn't finish with Phase 3 I know, I know. I should have. But I started to get a little bored with it. I liked a ton of things about it. I felt like I was getting "sculpted" (their word not mine). But I kind of felt like I was getting man legs. Todd said I wasn't, but my thighs would get bigger. Some people told me it would even out and I guess it did.

Anyway, after talking with several people and hearing the same things I felt about p90X; that it took SO long, that it was a ton of weights and not everyone has the weights they needed, that it got old etc. and hearing lots of good things about Insanity; its faster (only 45 mins max) 60 days to results, more cardio, pushes harder for those who need it (more on that in a bit) etc.

I am 4 days in and HOLY CRAP!!!! It is HARD! I DO NOT recommend this work out if you are starting cold turkey, have not exercised at all or very little, and make sure you stick with good eating habits. (have mentioned how BAD sugar is for you?!!) Any way it kicks your butt! You know when they guys on the work out are taking breaks and can hardly keep up that you're in for something!

I'm not gonna lie. I barely keep up and modify a TON of the moves. Some of them my knees have a hard time with so I jump a little less, and take a few more breaks. I was glad I had at least done the P90X for a while, even if I haven't done them in a couple of months. But I will push through. I have been so sore! I keep on top the ibuprofen for a few days. I take my calcium and am working BIG time on my diet! (Sugar= bad remember!)

Its a Beach Body program so you will see a lot of the same moves as far as the stretching, modified Yoga and a few of the cardio moves. But it's all good!

Well long post to get you updated. I can stick with it for 60 days right!! Good luck with your work out! Another new goal is to keep this updated. Might even add a few good recipes when I find them.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

End of Phase 2

So I finished Phase 2 right before we left for Utah. I feel like I did pretty good this phase. I modified the HGC diet (used the diet as a guide-line, but added more protein for my harder workout) and I think I lost a few inches. I felt really good about what I have done.

Problem is I went to Utah on vacation and so did my diet. I didn't do ONE workout while I was there. I had a bunch of family activities so of course I didn't eat all that great. In my defense I was sick for the last week of being there, and on the "plus side" I didn't over eat too much that week.

I've been giving my self a re-coup week. But next week it's head first! I am going to push hard again. I still really want to get rid of those last few lbs and inches!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Just keep swimming...just..keep swimming...

Not much new around here. I had a busy week so I was somewhat of a slacker. I did go running on Monday, and today I jumped back into P90X. It felt good. I only missed 2 or 3 days but I was worried about breaking the habit.

I've got 2 weeks until that first wedding so I better keep going! My goal is to loose another 1/2 total inch. I have gone down in inches quite a bit. I have been watching REALLY close what I eat. I guess it's paying off. Not much weight loss...but I didn't expect much, just inches, which I'll take!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Small Victory

I was able to do 45 out of the 56 mins of Plyometrics! It's a lot of jumping, moving, heart racing, cardio stuff. For me (besides pushups and pull ups) this one is the hardest. I am not a jumper/high impact person, so I felt pretty good about making that far! My goal by the end of phase 2 is to be able to finish the video!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Phase 2

I start Phase 2 today. Oh-man, I hope I can keep it up!

Friday, April 29, 2011


I REALLY debated on putting up these photos. But I needed a way to see before and after and progress along the way. So completely out of my comfort zone....

Here is before:

After Phase 1.
Not a huge difference. I have lost about 1 1/2 total inches, and no weight... so far... apparently it takes time :-) So on to Phase 2 next week. Supposedly phase 2 is when you start to define things a little more. I sure hope so!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


The inches are coming off? I measured today. I am happy to announce that I lost 1 total inch from a combination of arms, waist, chest, and hips! But measured and re-measured my thigh and it's UP 1 inch...what?! I am really enjoying this work out! I have fun...ok fun might not be the best word...but I do enjoy it. I like feeling like I've worked out for the day! I feel like I am more fit, and slim.
The thigh thing though...I don't want big, beefy, manly thighs....I will have to think about this one.